responsibility n. 1.责任;责任心;职责,义务 (of; for); 负担。 2.〔美国〕义务履行能力,偿付能力。 3.【无线电】响应性[度]。 the person with overall responsibility in the locality 一个地区的总负责人。 be relieved of one's responsibility [responsibilities] (被)解除责任。 decline all responsibility for 声明对…不负任何责任。 lack of responsibility 无人负责现象。 on one's own responsibility 自作主张地。 take [assume] the responsibility of [for] 负起…的责任。 take the responsibility upon oneself 自己承担起责任来。
How do you cope with the additional responsibilities 如何应付额外的责任
You should know the additional responsibilities that are incidental to the job 你该知道做这项工作要承担额外责任。
Are additional responsibilities taking you away from the work you were hired to do 是否因为承担额外的责任而脱离了本职工作?
You can pick up additional responsibility that will lead to higher wages and a better position 能够获得带来更高收入和地位的职责。
Often , however , these components carry additional responsibility beyond their core functionality 但是,这些组件也经常承担它们的核心功能之外的额外责任。
Additional responsibilities include preparing and managing various capital projects taking place the tianjin facility 其他责任包括准备和管理天津工厂的各种主要项目。
A team foundation project lead has additional responsibilities and permissions for working on a team project Team foundation项目主管具有一些其他的处理团队项目的责任和权限。
The decorator ? pattern attaches additional responsibilities to an object dynamically . decorator provide a flexible alternative to subclass for extending functionality 装饰模式能进行动态地附加额外的职责。装饰模式提供了除子类继承外可供选择的另一种方案。
Take on additional responsibilities of data entry , validation , or other tasks to support scheduling efforts to identify areas for improvement and implement change 承担其他的责任比如数据录入、确认,或者其他任务必如识别生产排程中的改善区域,并执行这些改变。
During the outbreak of sars , our staff took up additional responsibilities designed to protect the health of hong kong citizens . these included screening and collecting health declaration forms from people entering hong kong as well as monitoring temperature checks of travellers 在非典型肺炎爆发期间,本处人员采取额外措施保障市民的健康,例如:收取和审查访港旅客的健康申报表,以及进行监测旅客体温的工作。